The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) is a tool designed under Bologna process to help International students to get recognition for their academic qualifications in a European country.
Why ECTS ?
How ECTS works?
You receive ECTS credit points on completing a specific program, course, internship module or seminar. Each ECTS credit point represents the exact amount of workload you achieved in that specific period of time.
Generally one full year of study or work adds upto 60 ECTS credits. The system allows breaking down the complete academic year into multiple smaller modules.
Some examples of ECTS credits given per degree type are:
How it benefit you?
Top Countries using the ECTS credit system
Let us help with your ECTS Form Filling
Our professional counselors carefully scrutinize your work/academic profile helping you in creating the best ECTS application form.
The steps: